
Supply Chain Technician

Direct or coordinate production, purchasing, warehousing, distribution, or financial forecasting services or activities to limit costs and improve accuracy, customer service, or safety. Examine existing procedures or opportunities for streamlining activities to meet product distribution needs. Direct the movement, storage, or processing of inventory.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+2 %

Annual Wage Range

$50,209 – $164,145

Analyze product delivery or supply chain processes to identify or recommend changes. May manage route activity including invoicing, electronic bills, and shipment tracing.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+3 %

Annual Wage Range

$46,144 – $116,298

Analyze and coordinate the ongoing logistical functions of a firm or organization. Responsible for the entire life cycle of a product, including acquisition, distribution, internal allocation, delivery, and final disposal of resources.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+3 %

Annual Wage Range

$46,144 – $116,298

What is the Supply Chain Technician program?

Students receive an introduction to logistics through a systems approach to managing activities associated with traffic, transportation, inventory management and control, warehousing, packaging, order processing, and materials handling. An emphasis on physical distribution and total supply chain management; training includes warehouse operations management, hardware and software operations, bar codes, organizational effectiveness, just-in-time manufacturing, continuous replenishment, and third party. An overview of the principles and practices of transportation and its role in the distribution process is also covered. Emphasis on the physical transportation systems involved in the United States as well as on global distribution systems includes topics such as carrier responsibilities and services, freight classifications, rates, tariffs, and public policy and regulations. As well as logistical geography and the development of skills to solve logistical transportation problems and issues.



  • Logistics - LMGT 1019
  • Warehouse & Distribution Center Management - LMGT 1025
  • Transportation Management - LMGT 1023


Program Information

Time Commitment

144 Contact Hours

8 Week Training


Certificate of Completion (Alamo) / CE2Credit eligible

Career Outlook

Learn more at the Alamo Colleges Career Coach website

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Program Requirements

Possess proficiency in English (reading, writing, and speaking skills)

You are at least eighteen (18) years of age

Some High School

Must have access to computer/tablet and internet



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One or more of these programs are approved Ready to Work programs. Find out if you’re eligible to receive free tuition and job placement services that will enable you to secure an in-demand career. 

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Contact Information

CE Registration

Phone: 210-212-5266 (Option 4)
Campus: Alamo Colleges Center of Excellence for Student Success (ACCESS) Building



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HB 1508 Licensing Requirement

This program may lead to an occupational license for which a prior criminal history may make a student ineligible.
For more information, please